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FAQ: PRO Plans (Count.It Classic)
Answers for PRO Admin
How does the Count.It PRO 7-Day Free Trial work?What can you do and/or not do during your trial? All your questions answered!
What does the Count.It Live Training/Support Webinar cover?After 100K challenges hosted, we share best practices, hands on training, and lot's of morale support!
Can we set challenges and reward gift cards during our 7-Day Free Trial?Winning is ALWAYS fun!
What are some PRO challenge ideas and best practices?Guidelines and inspiration.
How do I run another challenge on Count.It?Same group, different group - here are all the ways to run another challenge on Count.It
How do I create a PRO challenge?Learn which buttons to push and what levers to pull.
How do I create and assign Teams for my group?Learning the PRO Admin dashboard.
How do I create a Group Journey challenge?Pool your group's activity and walk to the moon!
How do I see the results of a challenge that is over?Your challenge ended, and you can't find the leaderboard? Read on.
Help! It won't let me check out!What it means if the Purchase button is greyed out...
How do I add members to my PRO group? (Count.It Classic)All the nitty gritty on adding and removing members for PRO groups, and when charges are processed for credit card or invoice customers.
How do I change the credit card on my PRO subscription?Update your payment method details on your Billing Info page
How to pay via invoice with check or ACHYour company does like using credit cards? No problem!
How do I access the invoices for my PRO plan?PRO billing Admin have the key!
How do I cancel my PRO plan subscription?