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How to create your Count.It account, join your group, and start tracking activity!

Oliver Ryan avatar
Written by Oliver Ryan
Updated over 3 years ago

Welcome! Getting started on Count.It is super easy. Most likely you are joining an existing challenge group, and your group admin has sent you an invitation link, or provided you with a group invite code. (If not, you should ask them for one of those!) If you'd like to start your own brand new challenge group, please look here for more complete details.

Step 1. Install a Fitness Tracking App (Optional)

Count.It works with a number of fitness tracking apps, like Fitbit, Google Fit, or Apple Health. All iPhones have Apple Health built in, and many Android devices come with Google Fit. If you don’t have one of those, or prefer a different tracker, now is a good time to install it. (Note: Count.It also supports manual data entry for Count.It PRO groups.)

Step 2. Download the Count.It app, or join via the Web

You can join Count.It on the web, or via the Count.It app (iOS or Android). To get started, click the invitation link sent by your group admin/organizer, or just open your app.

Below we show the "onboarding" screens for mobile app users, but the process looks and feels the same for those onboarding via web browser.

Step 3. Register with your email, or via Apple or Slack

Register with your email address, Apple, or Slack. If email, we'll send you a quick verification message.

Step 4. Fill in your profile

Enter your first and last name, and then choose an avatar that will appear in your profile.

Step 5. Join your group

If you clicked the link in an email invitation, you'll be auto-joined to your group. Otherwise, use your group code from that email, or direct from your admin, to join.

Step 6. Connect a tracker

Connect one or more trackers, or skip this step. You can always add a tracker later.

You're in! That said, there might be one extra step.

Step 7. Join a Team (Optional)

If your group is subscribed as a PRO group and has created teams, you may see an additional step for joining your team. If you know your team, you can join it now. If not, skip this step for now, and you can join later via your Settings --> Teams screen on web or app.

Please note: Some PRO group Admin choose to assign Teams for their members. If that is the case, you will not be prompted to join but will receive your Team assignment by your Admin once you are actively enrolled in the Group.

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