Count.It automatically awards points to users for supported activities, but what if a user or a group wants to credit activities that are not on that list? Good news: Users in PRO groups can use the Count.It Manual Entry feature to log Bonus Points for many unsupported activities.
In addition, PRO Admins can add specific Bonus Activities to their group's daily logging form to encourage these activities.
Bonus Points
To turn on Bonus Points, Count.It PRO Groups simply select the Bonus Points checkbox on their Admin --> Activities dashboard.
When Bonus Points are selected AND the Manual Entry option is set to "On," users (or their admins) will see a Bonus Point entry field on their daily log form:
To guide users in adding Bonus Points, Count.It has created the following table showing the number of Count.It points generated in an hour for a wide range of activities.
Conversion Table: Count.It Points for 60 Minutes of Activity by User Weight
The Bonus Points conversion table is based on the Metabolic Equivalent of a Task (MET) as compiled by the Compendium of Physical Activities and Count.It staff.
Bonus Activities
The Bonus Points table is comprehensive, but what if an admin wants to target certain specific activities in their challenge? That's when PRO Admins can turn on the Bonus Activities option.
Once activated, admins have the option of adding "Bonus Activity" prompts to the daily log form, with corresponding points for completion. These prompts will, in turn, show up on the daily log form for all users in their group.
When a user clicks the button to the right of the activity, the designated number of points will be added to their Bonus Points total.
PRO Tips for Admins:
Activity names and/or descriptions are limited to 20 characters.
There is a limit of five Bonus Activities.
There is no other restriction on what activities be added, or in the amount of points that can be assigned to a given activity.
There's no limit on how many times a user can add or remove Bonus Points for a given day. User discretion advised!