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Fitbit Authorization Error

Why you are getting this message & how to quickly solve the issue

Oliver Ryan avatar
Written by Oliver Ryan
Updated over a week ago

There are two possible reasons you are receiving this authorization error message:

  • First, please check to make sure that you're using the correct username/email/password when you are prompted to login to Fitbit to grant permission to Count.It. If the error being returned says "Invalid Credentials," this suggests that you may be using the wrong user/pass combination. Keep in mind, this user/pass is the one you use to log in to your Fitbit app, not Count.It.

  • Second, when connecting your Fitbit to Count.It, Fitbit provides the option to grant permission to two types of data: "Profile" and "Activity & Exercise." In order to successfully connect, you must grant permissions for both. In other words, click "Select All" in the image below:

A few important things to note:

  • The only thing Count.It collects in your Fitbit "profile" is your avatar image, which you can change any time.

  • For activity and exercise, Count.It collects your activity, i.e. steps, cycling, swimming, etc. We do not collect any other data gathered or stored on your Fitbit app, including weight, heart rate, or other biometrics.

  • We display your aggregate activity data, expressed in Count.It points, on your leaderboard. We do not share this data or sell it to anyone else. See our privacy policy here.

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