See here for general instructions on how to connect tracking apps/devices to Count.It via Google Fit and Apple Health. Below are specific instructions for using your Polar device with the Apple Health app to connect to Count.It. The end result will look like this:
Polar device --> Polar App --> Apple Health app --> Count.It app --> Count.It Web Site!
Here's the step-by-step:
Connect your Polar App to Apple Health on your iPhone. Here are the instructions from Polar.
Download to your iPhone the Count.It App from the Apple App Store
Log in to the Count.It App
On the Health Access Screen, under "Allow "CountIt" to read data," turn on Cycling Distance and Steps
There's one more step to make sure you're getting credit for your Polar data, and not the default step count tracked by your iPhone. Open up your Apple Health App, and on the home or "Health Data" screen, do the following:
Click on Activity
Click on Steps
Click on Data Sources & Access
On the Data Sources screen, scroll down and you should see your Polar Flow app listed. Click the "Edit" button at the top of the screen, and then drag "Polar Flow" to the top of your sources list. Click "Done."
You should now be good to go! A few things to note:
You've got a lot of steps in your "sync chain." To make sure you get all your data to Count.It, be sure to sync your Polar App AND your Count.It App. (Click the sync button twice to get data up and down.) Given server lags, it sometimes can take a while for the data to propagate. Don't panic: As long as you've initiated the sync, the data will get there. Check back later!
Also, we've noticed a bug in the Polar integration with Apple Health that can cause Apple to double count Polar and Apple-tracked data. Stay on the lookout for this! If it happens, there's a simple fix, i.e. turning off your iPhone tracker, so you're only relying on the Polar data.